Monday, September 6, 2021

Insurance companies, thoughts and facts, policies and benefits and results


There are many insurance companies out there with different types of schemes for people. Main purpose of insurance companies is to get investment from clients, which is in the form of regular payment and they are given some scheme.

Tenure of such schemes is long and people have to pay money on a regular basis. Such insurance companies are providing security for accidents and theft and other types of mishaps. There is life insurance policy in which the policy holder is able to get monetary benefits for the family when he is dead.

Many people think that the process of insurance companies is very complex and they try to verify each claim and if they are not satisfied with the proof then they are not going to release the payment. In such cases even if the claiming person is right in his claim however he is not able to give reliable proof to the company then the investment is lost and no benefits are obtained.

Due to such cases the trust of people is decreasing on insurance companies and they are not giving them money as in case of loss if the insurance company is not satisfied with the proof then all the investment will be lost.

People can try to dodge the insurance company in order to get benefits by creating fake stories and insurance companies can dodge people by rejecting the claims. However in theory this process is simple as the person gives payment in premium in order to have some security and monetary returns in case of mishap or accident. In practice it is very hard to get the results when mishaps occur.

Clients can do fraud with insurance company so that they can get monetary benefits and insurance company can do fraud with clients in order to refuse the payment and take the entire invested amount.

There are good and bad people all over the world. It is important to use fair policy and rules and regulations in order to remain safe from problems. Those who are using fake methods for making money and using short cuts are not able to get long term benefits. Short cuts can give some benefits but in the long run these are harmful and users of such illegal methods are going to suffer with problems.

In case of car insurance the insurance company takes responsibility for all types of car accidents and the damages are paid by the company. Different terms are told to the client at the time of taking the insurance policy and if these terms are met then the client is able to get monetary support in case of car accident.

However if those terms are not met then the client is not able to get monetary support in case of car accident. Many people are not willing to invest in insurance policies as these have long terms of payment.

In case of life insurance it is important to make investment for many years and if the company is a fraud then in the end there will be no payment. Many insurance companies are in business so it is important to deal with a reliable company and also use legal ways so that the claims can be verified and money can be received when it is due.

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#insurancecompanies #insurancebusiness #insurance #investment #policies #security #fraud #issues #guarantees 

Saturday, September 4, 2021

Taliban in Afghanistan, the past and the present and the future


Taliban is a major group in Afghanistan which is operating from many years. Many countries tried to capture Afghanistan but due to interference of Taliban that was not possible. In recent times strong troops from different parts of the world made a group and attacked on Afghanistan but they were not able to find and eliminate Taliban completely.

Fight continued for many years and in the end the troops decided to leave the country. Now Taliban is taking back the control of the whole of Afghanistan. Many areas are taken back by Taliban from the troops and many troops lost their lives and also left the place.

There is a difference in motives of fighting in troops and Taliban. Taliban are fighting to get death and troops are fighting to get life. Due to this major difference Taliban are fighting with more power and bravery as compared with troops.

As a result the hidden places of Taliban are not taken by troops which mainly consist of America and United Kingdom and Germany and people from many other countries are not able to capture the area.

When the troops were trying to eliminate Taliban even then Taliban were very active and they continued to defend their land and attacked on troops. Many troops lost their lives and after trying for many years they decided to leave the area. Area in Afghanistan is not simple and it has mountains and lands and severe temperature conditions which are hard to bear by outside invaders and troops.

Talibans are happy to take control back and they have announced different decisions and they are determined that soon they will take back the control of the whole area. At present there is a fight among troops and Talibans and both parties are trying to take control.

However the hold of Talibans is strong and it is expected that they will take back the control in some time period and again launch their government and rule with full swing. This time it is expected that troops from other countries will not interfere as Talibans have proved their worth and power and defended the area successfully against many troops from different parts of the world.

It is also a fight among Muslims and non Muslims as people in Afghanistan are Muslims and outside troops were non Muslims. News is also filled on a regular basis with details about fight among Talibans and troops and the progress of Talibans which is showing that outside troops with leave the area and Talibans will make their government.

Main charges on Talibans were related with terrorism due to which outside troops invaded the area and also killed with many people in Afghanistan and Taliban. People in Afghanistan are hopeful that the new government of Taliban will make good rules and their living standard will be improved.

Taliban is also ready to make good rules to make sure that Afghanistan can continue to survive and progress with time by using advanced technology and latest trends which are used all over the world.


Get more details in video here


#taliban #afghanistan #army #america #war #battle #terrorism #islam #muslims 

Incident in Minar e Pakistan, on 14th August 2021, with detailed video proof


An incident took place at Minar e Pakistan on 14th August 2021 in which a tiktok star Ayesha Akram and her team with Rambo and other were involved with a large crowd of people. Different people have different thoughts related with this case.

Some people say that Ayesha Akram was willing to get attention of the crowd in order to grow her channel and get fame and progress. She called her fans to Minar e Pakistan and when they came then she invited them towards her by using different methods like taking selfies with them and dancing in front of them and hugging them and kissing them.

This caused issues in the crowd and her clothes were torn and she was abused and harassed. Different types of videos are made related with this incident in which some clothes of her were torn and she was shouting for help and some people are covering her and some were torturing her.

This was a bad incident and such things must not be done to any person at such an important place. Many people raised voice against this event including famous people like Yasir Shami and Iqrar ul Hassan and they were also given different types of remarks by the public.

Police also took notice of this incident and some arrests were made of people who were involved in this incident. Such incidents are not good and they are getting public notice all over the world and giving a negative picture of the country.

Some people say that Ayesha Akram had a history of making shameless videos with Rambo, which are also posted on her tiktok account. By seeing her videos it can be judged that her fans are of that type. When she was inviting them towards her then this was a big mistake of her due to which the crowd got out of control.

Even then such things done at a main place are not good and therefore government has taken this case seriously. Pakistan is a country were public get involved even at fighting of two people at any place. Then many people were present at such an important place and no one case to control the issue.

If that was the case then how she can survive such an incident is also very strange. This seems a planned drama in order to get fame and progress and public attention. Care is important in all areas of life and the case of Ayesha Akram and Rambo and their team on Minar e Pakistan Lahore on 14th August 2021 is due to lack of care.

Involved people in this case must be punished and they must be handled so that such incidents could never take place in future. Those criminals who are involved in this case have committed a sin and a bad act due to which they will suffer from problems and issues in this life and also in the life after death.

Humans must keep in mind that this life is not permanent. This is temporary life and humans have to leave this world. Ayesha Akram said that her clothes were taken off completely but there is no proof of this claim as some clothes were torn due to issues in crowd.

This statement seems to be wrong and a lie in order to get public attention. Clothes of a girl taken off, at such an important place, in Pakistan in front of many men, seems to be impossible thing. It is also said that guard gave her way to go away from Minar e Pakistan but she came back. Government is working hard to solve this issue to make sure that criminals can be punished severely.


Here is first video of this incident

Here is second video of this incident

Here is third video of this incident

Here is fourth video of this incident

Here is fifth video of this incident

Here is sixth video of this incident


#minarepakistan #lahore #pakistan #public #drama